We have new launched a specialist landlord and tenant department.
It will focus on ‘across the board’ services for the sector including lease extensions, collective freehold purchases and landlord and tenant disputes.
These may cover service charges and ground rent issues and advice in relation to possession proceedings and shorthold tenancies.
The department is being headed by Alex Crabbe.
Alex said: “I have become more and more than convinced that there is a need for additional legal services in this critical sector.
“A specifically tailored department at Rawlins Davy will help meet that demand.
“We live in incredibly challenging times because of the coronavirus pandemic which has thrown up many issues and will undoubtedly continue to do so.
“We can offer help, support, advice and guidance on the changing circumstances and regulations to both landlord and tenants.”
Alex said another issue arising from the recent increase in residential sales is that of leases on flats and apartments.
He explained: “Many leaseholders find when they come to sell they are advised to look at obtaining a lease extension. It can be difficult to sell a flat with a lease of less than 80 years especially to a buyer needing a mortgage.
“The increase in purchase and sale of flats has seen a comparable increase in lease extensions.
“Our department can represent clients who need to obtain lease extensions in these circumstances as well as freeholders looking to protect their financial interests.”
Alex said that landlords and tenants should be able to work together rather than be in an adversarial position.
“Making that relationship work is my key focus,” he added.